Hey, It's Me

Ive been from the Golden State to Cape Cod, and back. I want to share food finds, family memories. My food education started a young age, with my Mom, Aunties, and Grandma. I had my own apron from the time I was 2 or 3. Not all of my early creations were delightful, some were down right bizarre, but live and learn. We need to eat to live; why not make it a delightful experience.

I am a creative chef. I have been in the kitchen since I was 2(two) learning different things; mostly family recipes. My family always met in the kitchen. There are a few cookbooks that stand out from that time- My Favorite Recipes, The New York Times, Betty Crocker, , and The Seven Centuries Cookbook. Julia Child was on TV, and so was the Galloping Gourmet. We didn’t have the Food Network. Cooking was something you learned or didn’t from your family and friends.

My next adventure is diet and wellness coaching. If you want to follow me on that journey check out The Bishop's Coaching at thebishopscoaching.com. Website coming soon, or read my other blog, dreamingforreal.blogspot.com .
So come visit me in my kitchen; I’ll make a pot of coffee, and we can talk about your dreams of a better way to cook.

